Today On Frankie & Tati [6-4-19]

603a “Let Me Speak To A Non Degenerate” Jamboozle 

Francis the debt collector calls a man in regards to his truck saying he hasn’t been paying! The man says there’s no way they have the right guy, despite having the right information. The man argues with Francis saying there’s such a thing called “human error” then continues to call Francis a degenerate, demanding to speak to the manager aka Thotianna. After a fight breaks out and cursing each other out it’s revealed to be a prank.

619A Yes Or BS: Take On Tati With Big Bertha

Bertha,Claremont is a virgin to the game and it shows as she loses against 10k Tati!

Highlight headline: A bus driver in Houston who was drunk driving with a kid on board told cops her driving was caused by eating a bad donut

635-The Top Five Morning Routines Required for a Good Day (OnePoll)

Does this mean over half of us are optimists at heart? Or do we just not want to admit we're pessimists?

2,000 Americans were recently shown a glass that was exactly 50% full. Then they were asked if it was half-full or half-empty. And 58% said half-full . . . while just 16% said half-empty. The other 26% were indecisive.

Even the half-empty people weren't very likely to say they're a pessimist at heart. 48% said they think they're more optimistic than pessimistic.

The survey also found the glass-half-full people tended to be more assertive, more competitive, more extroverted, and more likely to be a morning person.

And here's the part of the study we liked most. All 2,000 people had to name the top morning routines that help them have a good day. Here are the top five . . .

1. A cup of coffee. It's the #1 thing we need to get our day off to a good start.

2. Waking up after getting enough sleep. The fact that this is #2 is a testament to how much we love coffee.

3. A morning shower.

4. Listening to music while you're getting ready, or in your car.

5. Eating a light breakfast, but nothing too heavy.

655a ICYMI Challenge Tati gets 8 stories in 95.7 SECS


Taking on Phillies tonight again

National Day

National Safe ,Old Maids and Cheese Day!


Angelina Jolie

Quincy Brown

Russell Brand

El Debarge

SD Police

Say 1 person is dead after a motorcycle crash earlier this morning near downtown


Say more than 400 small earthquakes are in the state

SD Man

Who climbed into a PB window has been sentenced to two dozen years for sexually assaulting a sleeping woman

Serena Williams

Has been named the first sportswoman to make Forbes’ richest self made list est $225M


Said she didn’t like to cry when it came to Future

And finished her 4 day course with Harvard

735A SB 276: What Is It? What You Should Know

  • aims to curb fraudulent medical exemptions for vaccines against diseases, such as measles, mumps, rubella, polio, whooping cough and chickenpox.
  • Current law — based on the 2015 legislation — requires all children to be vaccinated unless they are homeschooled or have a medical exemption, which has helped boost the overall vaccination rate. But medical exemption rates for students entering kindergarten increased more than three-fold, from 0.2 percent to 0.7 percent.
  • The proposed law would require doctors to submit medical exemption requests to the California Department of Public Health, which would have to approve them.
  • The doctors would have to certify they examined the patient and they would have to include in the request their own name, their medical license number and the reason for the exemption.
  • The public health department would be required to keep a database of the exemptions and it would have the authority to revoke exemptions if they’re later found to be fraudulent.
  • Polls in California and nationally indicate support for vaccination and an understanding that vaccines are necessary to protect kids.
  • The bill is co-sponsored by Vaccinate California, the California Medical Association and the California chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Newsom raises concerns about controversial vaccination bill

  • Newsom told reporters, “I back immunizations, however I do have concerns about a bureaucrat making a decision that is very personal and I would respect as a father of four who goes through this on a consistent basis, I think that’s just something we need to pause and think about.”
  • The concerns for some in creating a robust system for ensuring children are vaccinated come as California has 47 confirmed measles cases in 2019 so far. Many doctors support the bill, amidst growing concerns that some parents are gaming the system when it comes to medical exemptions.
  • Dr. Dean Blumberg, the chief of pediatric infectious diseases at UC Davis, supports the bill and said some people are “going outside their relationship with their own doctor to find somebody to sign for these exemptions, and we just feel that is wrong.”


746a SB 276 Responses

Kathleen says her children suffer from medical issues that affect them with the immunization

Teri is for the bill, because children are affected harder with sickness

Amy, Pt Loma says her son was vaccine injured and has a medical expemption from immunizations. Her son was also compensated for the injury from the Federal Injury courts

755a ICYMI


Body has been identified of 20 year old Paul Ventura who was standing on the pier for a picture

Eastlake HS

Keoni Cavaco has been drafted to the Minnesota Twins


Has launched a group that will investigate crimes at Hip Hop events/shows

Ray J

Invested in $5M cannabis industry; William Ray LA

841a Your Life, Your Choices: Tati’s Two Cents

Tati says sometimes she feels people don’t understand when she means that she doesn’t want to be where she was 5, 15 years ago. People who have issues facing THEIR truth will point the fingers at you saying YOU’RE on a high horse. If you’ve been there, done that...that’s you making a personal choice to change.



Happening in front of Valencia Park Elementary due to a 7 year old child brought fake money to school and the cops were called without the parents notified


Will temporarily close stores tomorrow due to an inclusion workshop because of SZA’s racial profiling incident last month

955a ICYMI

BET Performers

Announced Lil Nas X, Cardi B, H.E.R., Migos, Lil Baby, Yung Miami. Lizzo among the list and Regina Hall is hosting the event June 23rd

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