Today On Frankie & Tati [6-5-19]

603a “We Need Exact Change” Jamboozle

Francis calls a man as a tow truck dispatch to say his BMW was towed. The man says Francis must be mistaken being that he’s at work; Francis says someone called it in saying he was an incompetent parker. The man becomes furious asking which coworker got his car towed, and Francis says it will $754.18 in exact change. To go further he asks the man to add in a chicken sandwich and it’s revealed to be a prank by his boy

619a Yes Or BS: Take On Tati With Tryin Teyona

Teyona, National City was not ready for these headlines this morning as she lost against Miss 10k Tati!

Highlight headline: The NC man who won the $44M Power Ball used numbers that were on a fortune cookie his daughter gave him

635a The Ten Most Common "Rules of the House" Parents Have for Their Kids (SWNS)

FULL STORY: A new survey found 54% of parents in the U.S. think they're more relaxed about the rules than their parents were. And only 52% said their kids have a curfew. The most common time is 8:30 PM.

Besides a curfew, here are the ten most common "rules of the house" parents have for their kids . . .

1. Always say "please" and "thank you." 50% said it's a rule in their home.

2. Always be kind, 49%.

3. Before you can play, you have to finish your homework, 48%.

4. Always put things back where you found them, 46%. That's also the #1 rule kids BREAK, according to the survey.

5. Clean the table after dinner, 46%.

6. Having dinner together as a family, 44%.

7. No phones at the table, 41%.

8. Help carry the groceries in, 37%.

9. No yelling in the house, 36%.

10. You can't go to bed angry, 34%.

654a ICYMI Challenge...Tati gets 8 headlines in 95.7 seconds

Petco Park

2019 HS All Stars night after game today


The Handmaid’s Tale season 3 kicks off today


Black Mirror season 5 now available


Ayesha Curry on Ellen

Jada and Bryce Vine on Fallon


Mark Wahlberg

Brian McKnight

Kenny G

Marlon Wayans

Shut down ig users for showing support for lesbian daughter

Linda Fairstein

Stepped down resigned from board of trustees of Vassar College after complaints about the confessions of the Central Park 5 were coerced


Named wealthiest self made singer $600M on Forbes list

738a “I’m Just Asking You To Pay For My Travel!”:Ex Chronicles

Edmond calls in about his future ex wife, Lisa who caught him cheating...he says while he was the breadwinner they travelled around the world and became an social media influencer. Now that they’ve broken up, he says she’s expecting him to still fund her lifestyle. Lisa jumps on the phone saying that she’s not seeking spousal support and just wants him to fund her travel expenses.

749A Ex Chronicles Calls

Man calls in saying that unless she’s entitled to assets of his then spousal support is out the door, and adds that he needs a cut of her influencer money

Leslie, Oceanside calls in saying Lisa needs to stop giving women a bad name and support her damn self!

Lisa jumps back and says that he needs to pay up on the many months he cheated

Edmond says there’s no way she’s getting funded by him at all

754a ICYMI

Alpine Man

Walked into an US Bank at a Albertson wearing a Dodger cap demanding money

Straight Pride Parade

Is happening in Boston tentatively in Aug due to 3 men who also designated Brad Pitt as their mascot


Sword and Shield game dropping Nov 15


Self made women list combined $81.3b in value

844a A Lesson From Three Years Ago: Tati’s Two Cents

Three years ago before Tati moved back here from DC, she failed to mention she had a girls trip planned during her job interview. The boss at the time told her “no one takes off two months into a job”. She was in her feelings, but adds that the friend who planned the trip was more upset even when Tati explained the reason why. She says three years later, they’re still mad but has come around and wants to plan a trip to Spain.

856a ICYMI

San Clemente

Island was hit with two quakes at 4a and 7:30a

Meek Mill

Has been granted a new trial after his 2008 case

Kawhi Leonard

Filed a lawsuit against Nike for use of a logo he trademarked

956a ICYMI

Hip Hop Summit

Hosted by Paving Great Futures will take place next Saturday June 15th from 11-5pm at SDSU, free event for the kids!

Leslie Jones

Reports an incident where her makeup artist was treated badly at Sephora

Burrito Blanket

A taco blanket for $35


That Gayle King rejected a tell all interview with Wendy Williams

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