Ryan Coogler Pens Powerful Tribute to Chadwick Boseman
Ryan Coogler, the director of Marvel'sBlack Panther wrote a tribute about Chadwick Boseman. He opens the tribute by first expressing his condolences to the family. He wrote that Chadwick would attend Black Panther auditions for the supporting roles in the movie. Coogler said that is not common for the lead actor to do of a big budget movie. He continued that while filming the movie Chadwick would meet in Ryan's office or home to discuss lines and different ways to add depth to each scene. "I was not privy to the details of his illness. After his family released their statement I realized he was living with his illness the entire time I knew him. He would send vegetarian recipes and eating regimens for my family and me to follow during the pandemic. He would check in on me as he dealt with the scourge of cancer." (Full Story HERE)