Salma Hayek's Monster, Eminem's Revival: What's Trending

Angela Rye & Robin Roberts Talk About Omarosa, Salma Hayek's Monster, Eminem's Revival: What's Trending

As Omarosa steps out of the White House Cnn's Angela Rye and GMA's Robin Roberts both separately on their shows say "Bye Felicia"!. Salma Hayek spoke out against Weinstein calling him her monster, and Eminem's latest album, Revival comes out tomorrow but catch a first listen exclusive TONIGHT 9pmPST on Jamn!!

Tati's Two Cents: Choose Kind

Tati had a heated debate with her oldest son on rape culture and decided to share her experience with him. After defining and sharing her tale, she found herself in place of listening and speaking on experiences.

Happy or Dreading the Holidays?

Frankie and Tati say there are two types of people this holiday season: the excited and the ones dreading or suffering from holiday anxiety. Which are you?

Xmas Shopping Fight: Jamboozle

Francis the store manager calls out a woman who was quite the Grinch when someone took something from her shopping pile. Find out what happens!!