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> April 2018
Hot New Hip Hop R&B Radio Mix w DJ JAM [LISTEN] 4-24-2018
Guy Friend Zoned On Live TV! "I'm Single"
Little Girl's Heartfelt Message About Shootings and Violence
Celina Powell Paternity Test: Offset Is The Father
Check On Your People: Tati's Two Cents
Tequila TV Takeover With My iHeart Fam
A Third Shot Of Love: Ex Chronicles
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Busted Brian
Woman Might Go Bald From Salon Jamboozle
Adventures In Legoland And Castle Hotel
Loving One's Gift, Disagreeing With Choices
Yes Or BS: Take On Tati With Confident Carlos
You Left Pee Stains In The Closet Jamboozle
2 Chainz Receives Golden Joint
Claiming Ignorance With Racism: Tati’s Two Cents
Should Schools Start Later?
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Java Jess
Stuck And Burning Up In Tanning Booth Jamboozle
Never Forget Your Past: Tati's Two Cents
I Paid Your Debt Now We're Divorcing:Ex Chronicles
Yes Or BS: Take On Tati With Angelic Angelica
"Your Car's Been Sold To Someone Else" Jamboozle
Bar1ne and Friends w Rob Stone & Mitchy Slick | San Diego Concerts
Hot New Hip Hop R&B Radio Mix w DJ JAM [LISTEN] 4-17-2018
Phil Wright Drops New Dance Choreography on Nicki Minaj's “Barbie Tingz”
Love And Sex Are Two Different Things: Two Cents
Teachers Smoking Weed Off The Clock
Yes Or BS: Take On Tati With Oblivious Oscar
Pregnant With Twins From Two Daddies Jamboozle
Teen Gets Accepted Into 83 Colleges & Receives $3 Million In Scholarships
Expect Nothing Receive Abundance:Tati's Two Cents
You're Not Financially Stable: Ex Chronicles
Yes Or Bs: Take On Tati With Jumpy Junior
Laundromat Accuses Man Of Theft Jamboozle
Stop The Bro Dates Or We're Done! :Ex Chronicles
Moms Stop Shaming Each Other: Tati's Two Cents
Guy Destroys Truck Trying To Escape Repo Man
Turnt Girls Twerk At Office Party
Yes or BS:Take On Tati With Party Foul Patrick
"I'm housitting and need toilet paper!" Jamboozle
Normani On Feeling Vulnerable + Trouble On Social Media + Missy Elliott
Help The Bad Seed Grow:Tati's Two Cents
You Post Thirst Traps We Can't Hire You Jamboozle
Millenials and Sapphire Can't Cook
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Slick Sean
Hot New Hip Hop R&B Radio Mix w DJ JAM [LISTEN] 4-10-2018
Have A Sense Of Humor: Tati's Two Cents
We Broke Up Give Me the Ring Back! :Ex Chronicles
Yes or BS: Take On Tati with Migraine Monica
Francis the Breastfeeding Manny Jamboozle
Proud Padres Pitch, This Is How It's Done!!
Cheating. It's Over. Simply Put: Tati's Two Cents
Does A Cheater's Baby Deserve The Last Name?
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Vibrant Vivianna
Woman Is A Serial Lingerie Returner Jamboozle
Change Is Good: Tati's Two Cents
Take On Tati Yes or BS With Sleepy Stephy
Daddy's "Magical Balloons" Show & Tell Jamboozle
Our Son Isn't YOUR Son, I'm Sorry: Ex Chronicles
Marathon Monday Memories And New Milestone
"Your Social Media Made Me Crazy!": Ex Chronicles
Her Past Shouldn't Define Her: Tati's Two Cents
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Lupita Bonita
Man Is Called A Cheap, Blacked Out Diner Jamboozle
Jacobie Bluhm Drops New Dance On BTS's "Mic Drop" featuring Desiigner
Homewrecking Is Homewrecking:Tati's Two Cents
Deleting Your Social Media For A Stress Free Life!
Take On Tati With Ruthless Ruthie
"Don't Mess With the IRS!" Jamboozle
Feeling the SD Love! Thanks BPM Supreme E&R Awards
Can't Make It To Coachella, Watch It On Youtube!
A Baby Is Not A Death Sentence :Tati’s Two Cents
Stop Partying With Our Daughter :The Ex Chronicles
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Kevy Kev
Our Insurance Policy Doesn't Cover That Jamboozle
Artist Shows Off Puff Daddy & Notorious B.I.G. Painting
Obnoxious Applying To 20 Colleges?Tati's Two Cents
What Men REALLY Want In Women
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Capt Curt Take 6
Woman's Son Needed Bathroom Assistance Jamboozle
Hot New Hip Hop R&B Radio Mix w DJ JAM [LISTEN] 4-6-2018
A.CHAL On Being Real w New Music
How Many Times Do You Change Your Undies?
Support Those With Autism :Tati's Two Cents
I Moved Here to Support You: Ex Chronicles
Yes or Bs: Take On Tati With Asleep Aneesa
I'm Sorry You're Fired On Your First Day Jamboozle
Do I Smell Rap Beef? SOB x RBE Shout "F*** Migos"
Hot New Hip Hop R&B Radio Mix w DJ Beatnick [LISTEN] 4-6-2018
4 Year Old Girl Throws 'Finesse' Themed Birthday
Makin' Waffles With Ne-Yo, Shares New Single
Nikki Glaser Is TOO Famous For You
Ask For Your Worth: Tati's Two Cents
I’m Marrying YOU, Not Your Family: Ex Chronicles
Yes or BS: Take On Tati with Vivacious Vanessa
Man Finds Wife Flirting With Plumber Jamboozle
Mind Blowing Dance Routine Done By A Couple
The Good Friend Has to Step Back: Tati's Two Cents
Do Dogs REALLY Need To Be At Bars?:Frankie's Rants
Paving Great Futures Is Doing Just That
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Confident Jason
Woman's Wedding Dress Gets Bleached Jamboozle
The Mash-Up Tape You Didn't Think You Needed
Eric Bellinger Reveals Secret Party + Smashing To Own Music + Beefs
The Unluckiest Woman Was Doing Such A Normal Thing
Hot New Hip Hop R&B Radio Mix w DJ Beatnick [LISTEN] 4-4-2018
Why You're Single...:Tati's Two Cents
It's Me Or Your Wife! : Ex Chronicles
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Athletic Ashley
Man Accused Of 'Renting' Clothes Jamboozle
Ice-T Talks On Diabolical Killers 'In Ice Cold Blood'
Hot New Hip Hop R&B Radio Mix w DJ JAM [LISTEN] 3-27-2018
Splitting Up Peacefully:Tati's Two Cents
Helping Out Family: Tough Love or Bite The Hand?
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Jovial Justine
Woman Is Getting Charged For Hairy Pits Jamboozle
Chris Brown Tour | San Diego Concerts
Cherish the Moments: Tati's Two Cents
Yes or BS: Take On Tati With Avid Avian
The Snap Back Body: Ex Chronicles
Man Creates A Poop Stain In Car Rental Jamboozle
How Well Do You Know G-Eazy?